Resident Curriculum Unit 6: Pancreas Transplantation
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Pancreas Transplantation
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Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Christoph Troppman, MD
Author: Christoph Troppman, MD
Learning Objectives:
1. To define common surgical complications and technical failure of pancreas transplant
2. To describe the diagnosis and management of vascular thrombosis following pancreas transplant
3. To identify risk factors for pancreas graft thrombosis
4. To describe common protocols to prevent pancreas graft thrombosis
5. To describe late vascular complications of pancreas transplantation
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Christoph Troppman, MD
Author: Christoph Troppman, MD
Learning Objectives:
1. To describe risk factors for and diagnosis and management of deep surgical site infections
2. To explore reasons for the differential morbidity & mortality of leaks between enteric drained vs bladder drained grafts
3. To describe diagnosis and management of pancreatic leaks
4. To identify causes of graft pancreatitis and describe evaluation to determine etiology and management
5. To discuss management of pancreatic pseudocysts and fistulas
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Christoph Troppman, MD
Author: Christoph Troppman, MD
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the etiologies of and diagnostic algorithms for early and late post-transplant bleeding
2. Describe the management of early and late bleeding complications
3. Review the common pancreas procurement vascular injuries
4. Understand the injuries that can occur to the recipient aortoiliac tree during pancreas implantation and the management of them
5. Describe metabolic, urologic and graft-related complications frequently seen in bladder-drained pancreas allografts
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Clark D. Kensinger, MD
Author: Clark D. Kensinger
Learning Objectives:
1. Pre-procurement communication
2. Steps of the donor pancreatectomy
3. Navigating a replaced right hepatic artery during pancreas procurement
4. Assessing and communicating quality
5. Avoiding procurement errors
6. Pediatric and DCD pancreas procurement

Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Clark D. Kensinger, MD
Author: Clark D. Kensinger, MD
Learning Objectives:
1. Back table set up and equipment
2. Steps of a pancreas back table
3. Navigating a replaced right hepatic artery

Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Jonathan A. Fridell, MD
Jonathan A. Fridell, MD
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the history and evolution of pancreas transplant drainage techniques.
2. Describe advantages, disadvantages, and techniques of pancreas transplant bladder drainage.
3. Describe advantages, disadvantages, and techniques of pancreas transplant enteric drainage.
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Christoph Troppman, MD
Author: Christoph Troppman, MD
Learning Objectives:
1. To define common surgical complications and technical failure of pancreas transplant
2. To describe the diagnosis and management of vascular thrombosis following pancreas transplant
3. To identify risk factors for pancreas graft thrombosis
4. To describe common protocols to prevent pancreas graft thrombosis
5. To describe late vascular complications of pancreas transplantation -
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Christoph Troppman, MD
Author: Christoph Troppman, MD
Learning Objectives:
1. To describe risk factors for and diagnosis and management of deep surgical site infections
2. To explore reasons for the differential morbidity & mortality of leaks between enteric drained vs bladder drained grafts
3. To describe diagnosis and management of pancreatic leaks
4. To identify causes of graft pancreatitis and describe evaluation to determine etiology and management
5. To discuss management of pancreatic pseudocysts and fistulas -
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Christoph Troppman, MD
Author: Christoph Troppman, MD
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the etiologies of and diagnostic algorithms for early and late post-transplant bleeding
2. Describe the management of early and late bleeding complications
3. Review the common pancreas procurement vascular injuries
4. Understand the injuries that can occur to the recipient aortoiliac tree during pancreas implantation and the management of them
5. Describe metabolic, urologic and graft-related complications frequently seen in bladder-drained pancreas allografts -
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Clark D. Kensinger, MD
Author: Clark D. Kensinger
Learning Objectives:
1. Pre-procurement communication
2. Steps of the donor pancreatectomy
3. Navigating a replaced right hepatic artery during pancreas procurement
4. Assessing and communicating quality
5. Avoiding procurement errors
6. Pediatric and DCD pancreas procurement -
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Clark D. Kensinger, MD
Author: Clark D. Kensinger, MD
Learning Objectives:
1. Back table set up and equipment
2. Steps of a pancreas back table
3. Navigating a replaced right hepatic artery
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Jonathan A. Fridell, MD
Jonathan A. Fridell, MD
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the history and evolution of pancreas transplant drainage techniques.
2. Describe advantages, disadvantages, and techniques of pancreas transplant bladder drainage.
3. Describe advantages, disadvantages, and techniques of pancreas transplant enteric drainage.