Resident Curriculum Unit 3: Kidney Transplantation
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Unit Objectives
I. List the indications for kidney transplantation, explain the different disease processes resulting in end-stage renal disease, and describe the treatment options.
II. Outline the basic of principles of donor and recipient selection and deceased donor organ allocation.
III. Describe and perform living and deceased donor kidney transplant procedures;
IV. Explain the basic immunosuppressive strategies used in kidney transplantation, including induction and maintenance therapy.
V. Recognize and diagnose renal transplant rejection, identify basic pathologic findings of rejection, and describe treatment strategies for rejection.
VI. Describe appropriate long term follow-up and be able to identify and treat short and long term complications of kidney transplantation.
VII. Describe the short and long term outcomes of kidney transplantation.
VIII. Outline the basic principles of renal replacement therapy; identify indications for and surgical techniques necessary to place hemo- and peritoneal dialysis access.
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Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
John J. Friedewald, MD
- Define acute kidney injury and a generalized approach to its evaluation
- Understand prerenal causes of renal dysfunction
- Understand intrinsic causes of renal dysfunction
- Understand postrenal causes of renal dysfunction

Author: John J. Friedewald, MD
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Elizabeth M. Thomas, DO
Elizabeth M. Thomas, DO
1. Understand the benefits of living kidney donor transplantation
2. Appreciate the risks of living kidney donor nephrectomy to the donor
3. Appreciate the components and importance of the OPTN policy for living kidney donor evaluation
4. Understand that there are dilemmas in living kidney donation and the acceptance criteria for living kidney donors continues to evolve.

Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Patrick G. Dean, MD
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the Kidney Donor Profile Index (KDPI)
2. Define the Expected Post-Transplant Survival (EPTS) score
3. General discussion of KDPI, EPTS, PRA, and other factors are used for kidney allocation.
4. Special circumstances in kidney allocation (previous living donors, PRA 98-100%, 0-mismatch, and emergency exceptions)
Author: Patrick G. Dean, MD

Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
John J. Friedewald, MD
- Define acute kidney injury and a generalized approach to its evaluation
- Understand prerenal causes of renal dysfunction
- Understand intrinsic causes of renal dysfunction
- Understand postrenal causes of renal dysfunction
Author: John J. Friedewald, MD
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Elizabeth M. Thomas, DO
Elizabeth M. Thomas, DO
1. Understand the benefits of living kidney donor transplantation
2. Appreciate the risks of living kidney donor nephrectomy to the donor
3. Appreciate the components and importance of the OPTN policy for living kidney donor evaluation
4. Understand that there are dilemmas in living kidney donation and the acceptance criteria for living kidney donors continues to evolve.
Contains 5 Component(s), Includes Credits
Patrick G. Dean, MD
Learning Objectives:
1. Describe the Kidney Donor Profile Index (KDPI)
2. Define the Expected Post-Transplant Survival (EPTS) score
3. General discussion of KDPI, EPTS, PRA, and other factors are used for kidney allocation.
4. Special circumstances in kidney allocation (previous living donors, PRA 98-100%, 0-mismatch, and emergency exceptions)Author: Patrick G. Dean, MD