Mini Oral Abstracts

Outcomes By Epstein-Barr Virus Serostatus In Pediatric Kidney Transplantation Henry Landers Moderators: Daniela Ladner, MD, MPH & Arpit Amin, MD
Early Post-Transplant Clinical Outcomes from the Largest Real-World Multi-Center Study of Controlled Moderate Hypothermic Preservation of Donor Livers Kiran Dhanireddy, MD
Death Following Living Liver Donation: The National Experience Over Three Decades Elizabeth King, MD
Transforming The Logistics of Liver Transplantation With Normothermic Machine Perfusion: Clinical Impact Versus Cost Qimeng Gao
Rescuing Hard to Place Kidneys Using a Centralized Normothermic Machine Preservation and Assessment Service Matthew Holzner, MD, MSCR
Preventing Connexin 43 Gap Junction Loss in Donor Graft Endothelium Enhances Allograft Protection Dinesh Jaishankar
Preservation of Discarded Human Kidneys for 10 days at Subzero Temperature McLean Taggart


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