ASTS | ILTS Joint Pediatric Webinar on Liver Tx Surgery

Topic: Liver Tx in a small baby - Nuances in Orientation of the graft
Speaker: NamJoon Yi, MD, PhD, Seoul National University

Topic: Liver Tx for Advanced Liver Tumor in a child
Speaker: Kambiz Etesami, MD, University of Southern California


ASTS | ILTS Joint Pediatric Webinar on Liver Tx Surgery
Open to view video.  |  60 minutes
Open to view video.  |  60 minutes Topic:Liver Tx in a small baby - Nuances in Orientation of the graft Speaker: NamJoon Yi, MD, PhD, Seoul National University Topic: Liver Tx for Advanced Liver Tumor in a child Speaker: Kambiz Etesami, MD, University of Southern California