Advanced Transplant Provider (ATP) Certificate of Educational Achievement
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ASTS recognizes the integral role Advanced Transplant Providers play in the field of transplantation and offers an opportunity to acknowledge your dedication and commitment.
ASTS offers a Certificate of Educational Achievement to Advanced Transplant Providers who have completed their institution/department orientation once starting a career in the field of transplant.
The program is designed to further your professional growth through a series of educational modules relevant to the various roles of ATPs in transplantation.
Why would I pursue a Certificate of Educational Achievement?
The Certificate of Educational Achievement would allow you to be recognized for your commitment to the field of transplantation. This program will also help you to gain a more thorough understanding of transplant medicine and practice.
Prerequisites and Experience Requirement
Advanced Transplant Providers seeking the Certificate of Educational Achievement must meet the following requirements:
1. Offer proof of employment and a verification letter from the office of the Transplant Program Director to be able to enroll in the certificate program.
2. You must have completed your institution/department orientation in addition to the 26 educational modules to be eligible to apply for the Certificate of Educational Achievement Exam.
As a member of ASTS, there is no cost to complete the certificate program if you meet the required experience in the field of transplantation. If you are not currently a member of ASTS, you may apply for Associate Membership or you may complete the program for a one-time fee of $125 dollars.
After enrolling in the program, submitting the required documentation, and paying the $125 administrative fee (waived for ASTS members), ATPs will have one year within which to complete all 26 educational modules and pass an exam in order to earn the Certificate of Educational Achievement. Estimated time to complete each module is around 30-45 minutes and the exam consists of 10 case study-based multiple-choice questions.
To apply for the Certificate of Educational Achievement please email education@asts.org.
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